This photoshoot was so fun for me. Sometimes I will literally dream up photoshoot ideas in my sleep. And this was one of them! 

This shoot was the start of me being very intentional with my planning. Bringing the outdoors inside really drove me to be this creative this time around.

About two years ago, I started getting way more into studio work. I loved it because the potential is limitless with everything in your control. However, I never really connected with the studio until this shoot. I LOVE being hands on with my work. Fitting all the pieces together like a puzzle and seeing the final outcome is so rewarding.

I contacted the models, they were in. I hit up my MUA friend, she was in. I made a mood board. Wrote down poses I wanted to get.  I made the clouds as props, set up the studio and voila- the photoshoot has begun!

The look I initially envisioned was a girl with white eyeliner in a dainty white dress with her head in the clouds. Very specific I know. You will see those photos featured in the first batch of images below. Although. I wanted to mix in a variety of different types of outfits to showcase all the different vibes this one set could give off for different types of brands! Below you will find a wide variety of outfits, posing and styling for all the different looks I put together.

This shoot in particular was a creative shoot for me, I wanted to showcase the potential of what can be down in the studio. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Excited to show more as the dreams keep flowing. 

MUA for both models: Sarah Mae @beautywithsaramae

First Model: Alyssa Shreeve @lyssielooloo

Second Model: Chloe Montoya @Chloechloee


Get a sneak peek into how this all comes to life!

Click the button below & fill out the form to get your photoshoot booked!
