Yogi Marketing Photoshoot

These photoshoots are so fun for me. I love working with other entrepreneurs, people driven within their craft. We collaborate & find a location that best suits you. Maybe one, two or three locations are needed. For this yogi in particular we chose the snow. She was wanting outdoorsy/ woodsy vibes & that is what we got… with a little winter twist.

It was very cold. We may or may not have been freezing our lil booties off the whole time. Haha Jacque was such a trooper for stripping down with no jacket or shoes & bearing the cold for this portion of the shoot.

My hope for these type of shoots is that Jacque walks away with more than enough content to properly market herself. This could be on a personal website, posts for social media, email marketing. Entrepreneurs & self employed people need to market themselves in so many different avenues. These marketing photoshoots will get them fully prepared for the coming months!



I would love to create & collaborate with more people. I want to help you present yourself in the best way possible.

Click the button below & fill out the form at the bottom of the page to get a marketing photoshoot booked just for YOU.


Bathroom Goals


Fabric Play